Abel Tasman Birdsong Trust
Te Poari Koro Tui

Abel Tasman Birdsong Trust

The forests and beaches of Abel Tasman are once again filled with the birdsong that awakens and delights visitors.
Kia whakaoho te mauri o te Ata-hapara. Kia rongo, Kia Kite, Ki te reo koro tui o Te Tai tapu


We have reintroduced two species of native birds that disappeared from the park many years ago.

South Island Robin/Toutouwai – A population of 31 Robins were released onto Adele Island in 2009 after the island was declared predator–free. These birds were breeding successfully so it was decided to introduce 14 more birds in 2011 to strengthen the gene pool and ensure the Robins continue to thrive.

To reduce the risk of predators swimming to the island from the mainland, and to increase the chances of survival for birds migrating from the island to the mainland, volunteers are maintaining intensive trap lines from all the way from Marahau to Awaroa.

Robins had not been seen around the coast of the mainland for about 30 years so to influence their distribution in the park the Abel Tasman Birdsong Trust translocated a group of 34 birds to the intensively trapped Pitt Head area in 2016. ATBT Chairman Kim McGlashen says ”The ATBT have been working towards bringing robin back to the mainland coast for nearly four years. It will be wonderful to see them getting a foothold around the coast so visitors can enjoy seeing the friendly birds up close”.

This fabulous video shows the translocation process. Saddleback/Tieke – A population of 28 birds Saddleback were released onto Adele Island in 2014. These birds got off to a great start and are thriving now that it is predator–free. An excellent newspaper article was written on the success of the translocation.


We also assist with the ongoing monitoring of these birds to assess breeding success and changes in distribution. Early results have indicated both species have been breeding successfully and that Saddleback/Tieke prefer the coastal forest fringes.

This wonderful video was taken on a recent bird monitoring trip, you can hear the beautiful birdsong in the back ground!

Putting the birdsong back in Abel Tasman National Park



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